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For many years the Muslims community in Russellville, Arkansas never has a place to conduct daily prayers, Eid prayers or to come together during Ramadan for Tarawih prayers, simply because there was no Masjid to perform these Islamic obligations.

Hamdu Lillah, with the help of Allah first, few brothers and sisters in Russellville, with the help of very generous contributions of our brothers and sisters in ICLR and many of the Russellville community, a masjid has been established for the first time of the history of Russellville.   

Since June 2014, your brothers and sister in Russellville can have daily prayers, Jumah prayers, break their fast and pray Tarawih during Ramadan.

The call for payers became part of Russellville community for the first time in the history of this town. We also opened our doors for our non-Muslim neighbors to learn about Islam and about us as well as building bridges between Muslims and non-Muslims.

About ICR
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